Our contest returns for 2024! We have made changes to make it even MORE EXCITING!

Judging Criteria

The best part about our Contest?


There will be ballots provided to everyone who enters the contest to VOTE for their favourites in the various classes and categories.

There are voting forms for entrants, as well as a ballot for the general public to vote for their favourite entry.

All classes and themes will be clearly delineated to make the voting easy and FUN (there's that word again....) 


We would like to encourage participants to nominate candidates for the Gary Gillis Memorial Award.

This is a special award in remembrance of our late friend who while suffering through the terrible ordeal of ALS tried to be active on the hobby he so loved even as his body shut down on him.

This award will be given to anyone who struggles through adversity whether physical, mental, economic, spacial or any kind of impediment to participate in the hobby we all love.

This award will be selected by members of the Ottawa Scale Auto Contest Commitee


The annual honours awards will be selected by members of the Ottawa Model Car Group.