Our contest returns for 2024! We have made changes to make it even MORE EXCITING!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The 2019 Event is in the Books!

Despite rainfall of biblical proportions a lot of folks attended the event and we consider it to be a success!
We love the new venue.
There were issues with parking, going forward we will address them and come up with alternate parking spots that we can publicize beforehand.
We will look at signs to make it easier to find the venue, and the actual drill hall where the contest is held.
Do you have any ideas or suggestions? Send them to Bill at hobcen@rogers.com

Big THANKS to:
The Modelers who entered,
The Folks that came out to see the show, 
The Vendors for making our Flea Market interesting,
The Sponsors for your support,
The Ottawa Model Car Group for the work that all the members contributed to make it a success.

There is a youtube posted HERE  to give everyone an idea of what it was like. 

Please check back, as soon as we can confirm a date for the 2020 event we will start promoting it.